

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our Memory Jar!!!

We made a memory jar in school today. We will write down all our memories through out the next year, and then on New Years Eve 2012 we will stay up late, eat yummy food, and read our memories of things we accomplished, funny things said, fun events we went to.
Then we will make a new one for the next year and I will keep these, so when they are all grown up I can read them and cry! haha......I found this idea on Pinterest! Slowly becoming addicted to that site!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

66 days of Kindergarten!!!!

Leah finished learning all the letters of the alphabet from A to Z! She is going to start writing sentences and learning about their structure. ( .'s, ?'s, and !'s)
In math she is learning how to tell time, both analog and digital. She can count to 100 too! She has learned about the one addition family! She loves to add numbers!
We started a study today in social studies. It's about children around the world! She is excited to learn about Mexico, Peru, China, Israel, England, Netherlands, Kenya, and Japan. Each Monday we will do one lesson, and for dinner we will try a food from the country we learned about that day.....it should be interesting! Mexico is first! :))))....Which is a good thing, because we LOVE Mexican food!

Emma's work....: )

Emma has done well at writing her name!! It gets better and better each week!

Emma was working so hard in school today! I am so proud of her! Here she is working hard on her Mm's. : )

She is really improving with her hand writing! She is only four-years-old! We are loving school! Loving that it's almost Christmas, and Christmas break too!!! :))))
Loving my girls!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First time bowling!!!!!

We had a lot of fun today! We went to our favorite neighbors birthday party at the bowling alley! The girls have never been bowling before, and they loved it! Mady got a strike!! (with the help of bumper guards of course ;) ........Thanks favorite neighbors!!! : )

Emma was really good at throwing, I mean bowling the ball down the lane. It was actually pretty funny to watch.
Daddy was a really good teacher!

My girls are growing up too fast for me! I feel like it was just yesterday when we brought Leah home from the hospital, now almost six years later we have three little monkeys! These days sure are flying bye fast! I need to sit back and enjoy all of these little moments, they won't be this little forever. Thank you Lord for each day, crazy or calm, that you give me with my girls. I love them to the moon and back!

Daddy helping Emma (A.K.A little smoky one day I will have to explain all of the silly nicknames their Daddy has given them :)

My sweet Leah girl.......I love her gentle spirit!

Mady Moo and her half Grinch smile! I swear this little girl couldn't look anymore like her daddy!! She has his exact smile and I love every inch of it! : )

Friday, November 18, 2011

Leah Reading

Leah is doing so well! I think this video alone says how well she is doing! : ) To listen to it, you will have to scroll down to the bottom of the blog page and pause the music player, then click to play the video. Otherwise, both sounds will play at the same time. : )

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I am always amazed at how God works in my life. I have been struggling to find joy in my life, strength to endure each day, and understanding. It has been six weeks since I had a miscarriage. I was in complete disbelief when it happened, and have tried my best to go on with life each day as I had before I even knew I was pregnant. I find myself counting each week that goes by, I would of been 13 weeks this Saturday. Thinking about what the baby would of been, what he or she would of looked like and ect.., then I feel guilty for grieving so much and letting it affect me.
I have let myself crawl down in this pit now for sometime.
Then the other day when I opened my devotional for the day, like I had done each day before, but nothing spoke to me, nothing pricked my heart, until I started reading this day.

Grieving from A to Z...... It talks about Jeremiah and how he grieved when Jerusalem was destroyed.
In the midst of his grief the comfort of God surfaced. Reminders of God's sovereignty and goodness gave the prophet hope as he faced the future. " The Lord will not cast off forever, though he causes grief, yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies." Lam 3:31-32
I realized that by crawling down in this pit and trying to hide the pain, and not giving it ALL to God, I was only allowing myself to look at the bad things, to think about the bad things......and letting it slowly pull me away from the joy and comfort that Christ has for me and wants to give me!
I am thankful that because of God's grace my baby is in His arms today, I'm thankful that because of God's grace I will one day be in His arms too! Because of God's grace we can all be set free from pain, set free from sorrow, set free from our many pits!
He has blessed me with my wonderful husband, three beautiful little girls, and He has blessed me with the gift of our fourth child. He just chose to take him home with Him. Though I don't think I will ever be able to understand why, I am so thankful that I don't have to! He is an all knowing God, who knows what's best for me. I am thankful that I can trust Him with everything, even things that don't make since to me.
Thinking about all of God's goodness and grace for me, sets me free from this bondage of grief that I feel. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts, I am human! But, knowing that He is all I will ever need gives me so much Joy and Comfort!! It just amazed me how He chose to have me read that devotion on that day. He knew, He has not left me, and He never will. Even in what feels to be some of my deepest valleys...He is always near.
To experience God's comfort, while you are suffering with grief, try to focus on God's goodness and He will bring your heart relief." God allows sorrows and tears today, to open our hearts to the joys of tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank Heaven For Little Girls.....

We have done SO much in the last three weeks since I've blogged! We went on a field trip to Smiths Nursery and pumpkin farm. They learned about Native Americans and Farm history. They really enjoyed looking and arrow heads too.

Leah is reading more and more! She is also learning how to tell time! She has continued to get A's in everything! Her writing has really improved! She is doing so well!

Emma is so funny! She does well at her work too! I am focusing more on letter sound and recognition with her. I am very proud of my girls. Mady likes to come in the school room and "play" school with Leah. She's so cute! But, I have been letting Leah play teacher with Mady and read Mady her sight words!! It has actually worked out well! : )
In Leahs bible class, I have been taking Leah through a discipleship book. We are reading about witnessing to others and how to pray to God! It is so neat to go through this with her. To watch her grow and mature! We have some sweet conversations about God together! I love every minute of it! Today in bible class Leah practiced witnessing to Mady! It was cute and funny. Mady asked Leah how she could get saved and Leah (with some help from Mommy:) ) Began telling her about Jesus and quoting scripture to her.
So thankful for my girls! Though I would love to have a son, and wouldn't change having my three girls for anything!! They are so sweet and loving! I love their drama, chaos, little diva's, crying spells (yes even little girls cry and have no clue why they're crying), their love for their prince charming (daddy). Thank heaven for little girls! : )