

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

38 days left of school..... and Emma's many cast!

   So I haven't blogged in forever! We are on the count down in school!! : ) We have completed 132 days and only have 38 days left!!! We are excited to start our summer break, and looking forward to first grade in the fall! Emma will start Kindergarten this fall!! Wow, I am going to have my hands full!!
 This is the best idea I've had all school year!! I found a cute little basket at the thrift store for .99! I also found a lot of level one and two books for Leah to read, AND tons of Junie B. Jones books, Leah's favorite! Put them all in the cute little basket with a great work chart and a roll of stickers! Leah absolutely LOVES math and is very good at it! Reading however, not so much...: / I told her that this was her special basket, and when she reads a whole book to Daddy or I, that I will put a sticker on her chart! When she fills in the entire chart we will go to Chuckie Cheeses for pizza and games!!! Oh the things you will do to bribe, I mean encourage your child to read! : )

 Here Leah is putting her first sticker on the chart!!! She is so excited to fill in the chart and go to Chuckie Cheeses.......

 Some of Leah's school work! She's doing so well! I am very proud of her! She absolutely LOVES math and is doing very good with it!

Leah and her favorite book this month! It's about Junie B.'s first grade class, and her invitation to a fellow class mates birthday party. The class mate, Lucille, is having the Easter Bunny at her party and they are having a Easter egg hunt! Whoever finds the special golden egg, wins a prize! They are all in competition to find the golden egg! That is just the first three chapters! : )....... Junie B. gives us lots of laughs in school!

 Emma is a remarkable kid! She has done SO well with her many cast! ; ) I say many because she has gone through four of them in seven weeks!!!! The first one was a "normal" cast change. Second one was too tight, her little fingers turned blue!! She cracked the third one, only the Lord knows how! And this is, Lord willing her LAST ONE! : ) She is suppose to have the cast taken of next Thursday, April 5th! We are so excited to have it taken off for good! It has been a long eight weeks! Although, I am very thankful for how well she has handled having the cast! She is a trooper!
After the cast is taken off she will then be in a sling for 10 days. I will have to do some simple shoulder stretches during that time. Then we go back to her Dr. and he will write the prescription for her many new therapies......We have had a break in therapy since December. Emma has been in therapy since she was 8 weeks old. So to have had three months off, has been great! She will have to go three times a week for her therapy's for awhile. They will hopefully go to just once a week or maybe even twice a month, within the next year. It's hard taking all three kiddos, but we have learned to make the best of it! We are very thankful that God has placed the Dr.'s and hospitals he has in our life! There are some people who have to travel for hours to get to Duke!! We only have to drive for 45 minutes!!! Such a blessing!