

Monday, November 28, 2011

66 days of Kindergarten!!!!

Leah finished learning all the letters of the alphabet from A to Z! She is going to start writing sentences and learning about their structure. ( .'s, ?'s, and !'s)
In math she is learning how to tell time, both analog and digital. She can count to 100 too! She has learned about the one addition family! She loves to add numbers!
We started a study today in social studies. It's about children around the world! She is excited to learn about Mexico, Peru, China, Israel, England, Netherlands, Kenya, and Japan. Each Monday we will do one lesson, and for dinner we will try a food from the country we learned about that day.....it should be interesting! Mexico is first! :))))....Which is a good thing, because we LOVE Mexican food!

Emma's work....: )

Emma has done well at writing her name!! It gets better and better each week!

Emma was working so hard in school today! I am so proud of her! Here she is working hard on her Mm's. : )

She is really improving with her hand writing! She is only four-years-old! We are loving school! Loving that it's almost Christmas, and Christmas break too!!! :))))
Loving my girls!

1 comment:

  1. Leah, What a joy to see you learn so much. Everyday is exciting to learn something new. Make sure mommy teaches you about the Dominican Republic. Emma, you are doing great too. I can read your name very well. Keep up the good work. We love you!
