

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kindergarten days week #6!!!!!

Today we celebrated Fall!! I found this awesome book at our library. It tells about why leave's change colors! We had so much fun reading this book!
Then we decided that we were going to make our own "fall trees" and paint!They really enjoyed painting. :) We used our hand prints as the fall leaves!

Emma is very proud (and so is Mamma) of her letter Ll that she wrote. You can't see the paper very well, but aren't they cute?!?!? : )

Leah has learned 21 sight words! She LOVES her sight word tree and enjoy's adding a new leaf for each sight word she memorizes.

We say the pledge of allegiance EVERY morning and pray before we start our school day. It is a blessing to be able to do this with my children. It's a shame that they can't do this in public school.

Emma was SO happy to put the last day of September on our calendar this morning! As September comes to an end today, we are looking forward to October and all the great things we are going to learn!

In six weeks of Home School, Leah has learned the sound, name, and how to write the letters, Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Ll, Tt, Mm, Nn, Ss, Hh, Bb, and Cc! She has learned how to count to 30 with out looking at the numbers, and she can count to 100 while reading the numbers off the chart!
She is plugging along and reading level 1 books, and has memorized 21 sight words! I am SO proud of her and her accomplishments she has made in these last six weeks of school!

Emma has learned the sound, name, and how to write (still a little wiggly looking, but hey she's four!) the letters, Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, and Tt! She has learned to count to 10 on her own, and is really getting better at writing her name!

Madelyn just tags along with Emma and does whatever she does :).....which sometimes is not a good thing :)

I have really enjoyed Home Schooling. Don't get me wrong, there are good days and there ARE bad days. But, God's grace gets me through!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa and I are so proud of you. You have already learned more in kindergarten than most have learned in 2nd grade public school. You have the best teacher. Keep up the excellent work!
